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Montecristo cigars are amongst the most famous and most adored in the world, offering Cuban cigar enthusiasts refined, expertly crafted smokes that are at once rich, complex, flavorful, and smooth. Every once in a while, tobacco harvests are of such exceptional quality the leaves are earmarked for very special releases only designated to a few Cuban lines each year. The 92-rated Montecristo Supremos Edicion Limitada (EL) 2019 is one such treasure.

Featuring all of the rich texture and taste cigar aficionados expect from Montecristo cigars, the Supremos EL 2019 is a beefy 5 1/8” x 55 Montesco-size, representing the largest diameter Montecristo yet. In compliance with the Edicion Limitada guidelines, the cigar features tobaccos aged an extra two years to achieve optimal smoking quality.

Montecristo Supremos Edición Limitada 2019

SKU: 654975397353
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